Don The Hermit Crab

Don The Hermit Crab

On the Coney Island beach, there was a hermit crab named Don. He did not have a shell for a home. On the beach there were a lot of animals with shells, so he thought he would for sure get his own shell.

So he started to look for open shells. He said to himself, “Ooh I can’t wait till I get a shell”. He saw a snail shell. He looked inside. There was a snail. “SCRAM”, the snail said. Don kept on looking. He saw a turtle shell. He looked inside. There was a turtle. “GO AWAY”, the turtle yelled.

Don kept on searching. Finally, he found a crab shell. There was a crab in it. Don thought that the crab would tell him to go away, but he was generous enough to give Don his shell. “Thank you so much”, Don said.

Don took his shell and nobody on Coney Island beach was bothered again. The end!!!!

Hi there, this post was written by my best friend - my 9 year-old son as a school assignment. He asked if I could put it on my blog and I couldn't say no. I did not edit any of the writing other than capitalize the sentences. Enjoy.

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